Tuesday, 18 August 2015

The #blimage list - Playing Catch-up

On July 24th I accepted a challenge from Steve Wheeler:

Unfortunately life got in the way, I know poor excuse, but hey that is the way things are sometimes. So here is me playing catch-up because I have accepted another challenge, and I want to finish this one before I start another one.

What is #Blimage all about:  you can read all about it in Steve blog, but in summary we had to write a learning blog about the image that was presented to us and challenge 3 of our peers.  As a new challenge is now up and running I'll challenge them in the new one.

Steve gave me this image:

When I saw it I immediately saw informal graffiti painted on a cracked wall in a haphazard fashion. For people who know me, when I say this is how I learn they will understand completely.

Learning in a formal classroom drives me bonkers, so when I am subjected to it I draw randomly on my iPad.  This obviously distracts me from the very important person at the head of the class, but it does prompt me to find alternative ways to learn the subject matter at hand.  Here is a drawing from back last year when I was subjected to a 'compulsory' class on writing a business case:
Maybe a self portrait, maybe not.  But I was obviously not learning.  I LOVE learning in the way I choose, from my peers, friends, YouTube, conferences, unconferences, Video, Online, Books, Games you name it I love it.  What does this say about the classroom - has it had its day?  Well for me, I just find it a barrier and will find any way to learn I can that keeps me out of a classroom.

So, in essence, the image to me reflects my learning personality.  Learning through public shared spaces - the internet is a great example of this as you can learn almost anything you need online nowadays - that's public space learning.  The more we can help with the democratization of learning for all, the more people can learn in that public space when they want, the way they want, on whatever medium they want.

The definition of the word graffiti
  1. 1.
    writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place.

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