Some time ago, well a long time ago, I was asked the question "Do You Blog". The answer, I am afraid was no, and has continued to be no until now. Why? Well I really didn't think I had much to say that couldnt be conveyed in under 140 characters (yes I tweet! DHL66).
On Monday 16th May I was honoured to be invited to Keynote at the Trainingzone Live conference and it was mentioned again to me that I should blog some of my thoughts. So, here it is, the Random Thoughts of a Loud Woman (no way connected to my current employment).
My Keynote was titled 'Get Out Of The Classroom' and I was surprised at the positive response I recieved from many people in the audience. I was also quite surprised that my theme ran through the majority of the conference speakers. That is to say stop delivering what WE think the business should learn and start to work with the business to align learning and performance to business value. Well, as you could imagine I suddenly came to the realisation that I may actually know a thing a two about L&D and the future of our beloved profession.
There are some exciting times ahead of us in L&D and Training. We need to grasp every opportunity that we can to promote ourselves as a discipline in our own right and not just an off shoot of HR. We are professionals and we should be recognised as such. So what are we?? We are Trainers Hear Us ROAR!!!!!